FAQ - Dummy Tickets Dummy Ticket FAQs Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions about Dummy Tickets: Find clarity on all aspects of dummy tickets, from their purpose to their validity and usage. Explore our comprehensive FAQ section to address any queries you may have and ensure a smooth booking experience.
What is a dummy ticket?

A dummy ticket is a provisional flight reservation that can be used for visa applications or travel planning. It is not a fully paid airline ticket but serves as a placeholder to show proof of travel plans.

Why do I need a dummy ticket?

Many embassies and consulates require proof of travel arrangements when applying for a visa. A dummy ticket provides this proof without the need to purchase a fully paid ticket before your visa is approved.

How does a dummy ticket work?

Once you request a dummy ticket, we provide you with a reservation document that includes flight details and a reservation number. You can use this document for your visa application. After your visa is approved, you can then purchase your actual flight ticket.

Is a dummy ticket the same as a real ticket?

No, a dummy ticket is not the same as a real ticket. It is a reservation document and does not require payment. A real ticket is a fully paid booking that confirms your seat on a flight.

Can I use a dummy ticket for actual travel?

No, a dummy ticket cannot be used for actual travel. It is only for visa applications and must be replaced with a fully paid ticket once your visa is granted.

How long is a dummy ticket valid?

The validity of a dummy ticket varies depending on the issuing company. Typically, it is valid for a few weeks, but it is best to check the specific terms provided with your dummy ticket.

What happens if my visa is denied?

If your visa application is denied, the dummy ticket is no longer needed. You are not obligated to purchase the actual flight ticket, and there will be no financial loss related to the dummy ticket.